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Freeform Spiritual Wisdom

My desire in creating this podcast is to share with you the enhanced awareness and understanding about life that I have experienced in the twenty-eight years that I have immersed myself in the exploration, study and practice of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge and wisdom philosophies.

There are usually two reasons why an individual begins to explore beyond what many people consider the only reality of human life. One is that they are looking for a way to make their life more satisfying and enjoyable to live, and the other is to become familiar with those deeper parts of who and what they are. Here, we will explore how these are actually one goal.

One of the things that I discovered on my journey is that many times certain concepts within a philosophy will actually act as a barrier to experiencing our unlimited nature and our ability to express that in our human experience. The problem here is that if you are unaware of the barrier that is being presented, you will not know that it needs to be moved beyond to allow your understanding and experience of the true you, to move into the forefront of your life and have the effects that are there to be embraced.

This is what I intend to share with all of you here. We will explore the limits that you may have placed upon yourself, including those that may be part of the philosophies or practices you are presently associated with.

I will help you to move into a different understanding of who and what you actually are, and from that place access the ability that lies within this expanded model of yourself, and apply it to the type of experience you desire to have in your life. I will also share with you the tools that will make this process one that does not need to take years before you begin to see results in your day to day experience of your life.

We will explore how the ideas, concepts and beliefs you hold result in how your life is experienced. We will explore the phenomenon of choice and how your life is actually an expression of the choices you make, many of which you are unaware you are making.

We will explore dreams, the integral part they play in who and what you are, and how to utilize them to more quickly move beyond the things that are blocking your progress. Meditation will also be explored, though a more engaging version, than what many typically think of when they consider this modality and the benefits it can add to the entire exploration.

We will explore how feelings, emotion, and the imagination are an integral aspect of the creative process we experience each moment of our life, and why an association with the natural world is so beneficial to this journey. We will explore all of these and more.

The limitless nature of who we really are will be brought into the light.

We will look at why keeping your focus on you and the thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing is key to seeing changes in your experience of life; all parts of your life. As we progress, so too will the way you will be able to understand the information and ideas presented. You will also experience the ability to more effectively fold them into the choices you make that then show up as your experience of life.

Freeform Spiritual Wisdom

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